Spinal Cord Injury Rehab Clinic
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Spinal Cord Injury Rehab Clinic

Despite improvements in emergency medical systems and treatment by hospitals at the scene of injury, more persons are suffering severe disabling effects from injuries to their brain, spine or multiple musculoskeletal system and visceral organs. Survivors of catastrophic injuries require complex, specialized rehabilitation care that addresses the full range of their medical needs and life skills.

Injury Rehab Clinic specialists work together to create individualized rehabilitation plans for each person, including goals they will be working towards throughout their inpatient rehabilitation hospital stay. This may include maximizing muscle control and strength; improving balance, mobility, swallowing, and speech skills; and addressing cognitive deficits. The team will also help each person manage the effects of a spinal cord injury and adjust to their new lifestyle.

Injury Rehab Clinic Singapore: Steps to a Faster Recovery

Your physical therapist will use proven therapeutic interventions to help you recover the most possible functional abilities. These might include using elastic bands of varying resistances, free weights or cuff weights; performing isometric exercises (pushing against an immovable object); and training for coordination and proprioception. Proprioception is the body’s ability to ‘know’ its position in space without looking, which can be impaired after an injury.

In addition to physical and occupational therapy, your rehab team might include social workers, nurses with specialized training in spinal cord injury rehabilitation, case managers, dietitians and psychologists. Your case manager will help you understand your health insurance benefits and navigate any insurance issues that arise. The dietitian will make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need to support healing, maintain skin integrity, improve bowel function and manage your weight.

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