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The Refugee Crisis

Refugee Crisis

Imagine fleeing your home at a moment’s notice, leaving behind everything you know and trust, with only the clothes on your back. That’s the reality for nearly 90 million people around the world who are refugees or internally displaced persons (IDPs). They face some of the biggest challenges imaginable on their journey to safety.

Displaced people are fleeing their homes for many reasons. These include war and conflict, poverty, lack of food and basic services, persecution for issues such as gender or sexual orientation, and environmental disasters like droughts, floods and wildfires. As global climate change worsens, more people are expected to seek refuge.

More than 82 million people have been forcibly displaced from their homes, the highest number since the Second World War. Most people are displaced within their countries of origin, but some travel to neighboring states or beyond. The majority of those displaced are refugees or asylum seekers, and the rest are internally displaced persons (IDPs) or migrants.

Despite these huge numbers, the world is responding very poorly to this humanitarian crisis. In 2018, only half a percent of the world’s refugees were resettled, and richer countries are not doing enough to share this burden with their neighbors. The global community is not even doing enough to provide adequate protection for refugees, or meet their basic needs.

Refugees are some of the most vulnerable people on the planet. They are at risk of physical, mental and emotional harm if they can’t access the right help, information, and support. This is especially true for women, who are twice as likely to be subjected to violence and gender-based discrimination.

We work with partners to protect and support refugees, migrant workers and other vulnerable populations in the region, including those living in urban settings, as well as in remote areas. We also aim to enhance the capacity of governments and communities to respond to refugee movements in a proactive, preventive and holistic manner.

Boat people are a general term for migrants who travel by sea to seek asylum in other nations, often in the Western Hemisphere. The term originated in the 1970s with the mass exodus of Vietnamese refugees following the Vietnam War. Later, large groups of Haitians and Salvadorans sailed to Southern Mexico and the United States. These migrants are often referred to as illegal immigrants or economic migrants, but they are also sometimes called asylum seekers. They may be forcibly prevented from landing at their destination, as in the case of Australia’s Pacific Solution, or they may be detained after arriving if not legally admissible to their country of resettlement. In some cases, they are confined in offshore processing facilities. In others, they are denied entry altogether.

15 Fun Facts About Myanma

Myanma, also known as Burma, is a fascinating country with a long and rich history. After centuries of rule by colonial powers and an oppressive military junta, the country is now experiencing a period of rapid economic reform and political liberalization. The country’s natural beauty and diversity are sure to enchant visitors, but there are also many other things that make the country unique. Here are 15 fun facts about Myanma to help you prepare for your next trip.

Myanmar is a very hilly country with several impressive mountain ranges and gorges. The highest point is Mount Hkakabo Razi, which towers over the northern part of the country at 5,881 meters (19,295 feet). The country is also surrounded by several major rivers, including the Irrawaddy and Chindwin.

One of the most interesting facts about Myanmar is that it’s one of the few countries in Asia that still uses the Imperial system. As a result, they measure weight and distance in pounds and inches rather than kilograms and centimeters.

The Shwedagon Pagoda is the most famous landmark in Myanmar and it’s a must-see for any visitor. This golden stupa is believed to contain relics of Buddha and is one of the most sacred places for Buddhists. It is said that if you walk around the stupa three times clockwise, your bad deeds will be washed away and good luck will come your way.

In ancient times, royal families kept purebred cats as pets and used them to guard their palaces and temples. Today, there are only a few cat breeds left in the country but visitors can still see some of these beautiful animals at the National Zoo and Botanical Garden in Yangon.

Myanma has some of the most pristine beaches in Southeast Asia. The white-sand beaches of Mergui Archipelago are especially stunning, and the waters are crystal clear. The best time to visit the beaches is between November and March, when the weather is warm and dry.

Aside from the pristine beaches, Myanmar has some incredible scenery, including the mountains of Hpa An and the karst mountains of Sadan Cave. You can also find some of the most valuable rubies in the world here, as well as elongated necks. This practice is common among the Kayan Lahwi tribe in Shan state, where women wear brass coils around their necks at an early age as a symbol of beauty and strength.

There are no better ways to experience the culture of a place than to immerse yourself in it. A great way to do this in Myanmar is by taking the circular train in the city of Yangon. This train offers a glimpse into the daily lives of locals, from street food stalls to backward towns and railway stations.

The people of Myanmar are a diverse and friendly bunch. They’re proud of their country and are looking forward to the future. But the current crisis threatening to overtake their nation has tested their resilience. This is not just a matter of political instability; it’s about the future of their children.

The Importance of Understanding the Basic Rights

basic rights

A fundamental right is one that cannot be taken away or altered by any law, order or authority. It is intrinsic to an individual or group’s identity and can only be restricted by a constitutional amendment, which requires the support of the majority of both houses of parliament, or by the supreme court of the country.

There are many different basic rights, but some of the most important include: dignity, equality, freedom of religion and belief, liberty, the right to privacy, property, family and association, and a safe environment. These are fundamental to a person’s ability to live life with self-respect, and to participate fully in society. Having these as part of our basic human rights helps us to recognize the many injustices that occur around the world, and to take action against them.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was a groundbreaking document in 1948 that was written by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from across the globe. This process was important because it allowed the creation of a document that would be relevant and meaningful for all people. The UDHR is the basis for many national constitutions, and it has been translated into more than 500 languages, making it the most widely read document in history.

One of the main reasons that the UDHR was so successful was because it recognized that the most important fundamental human rights are universal, and therefore everyone must have them. It also emphasized that these rights are inalienable and indivisible, meaning that they can never be taken away or divided. This concept of universality has become the basis for the majority of international human rights law and it has helped to bring the global community together in a common cause to fight for the protection and respect of all fundamental human rights.

Although the UDHR is widely accepted by most governments, it’s important to remember that not all countries give equal weight to the various types of human rights. For example, Western cultures have often given priority to civil and political rights, which can sometimes be at the expense of economic and social rights, such as access to healthcare free at the point of use or affordable housing. Ultimately, all human rights are interrelated and none can be enjoyed without the others.

Human rights are also important because they protect the most vulnerable members of society from abuse by power holders, such as women and children. These groups are particularly at risk for discrimination and oppression, but recognizing their importance as fundamental human rights allows activists to push for policies that will protect them. This is why it is crucial to include rights such as health care, fair working conditions and education as human rights, so that the needs of these individuals are a high priority for policy makers. In a time when the environment is under threat, it is also helpful to include a right to the natural world in human rights, as this will act as a powerful legal pathway for protecting our planet and its species.