Fighting a Cell Phone Ticket
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Fighting a Cell Phone Ticket

Cell Phone ticket

Cell Phone ticket

In this age of technology and instant communication it is a common practice for people to use their cell phones while driving. It is convenient and a great way to keep in touch with family, friends and work. However, talking on a cell phone and texting while driving can be dangerous. Cell phone tickets can also be expensive and lead to points on your record. If you get a Cell Phone ticket in New York City or the surrounding areas then you will want to fight it as soon as possible. An experienced traffic ticket lawyer can help you do just that.

There are a few exceptions to the cell phone law in NY but for most drivers it is illegal to hold or operate any electronic device while driving. The penalties for violating the cell phone laws in NYC include a fine, point additions to your record, and significant insurance rate increases that can last for years.

The True Cost of Cell Phone Tickets: Understanding Consequences and Solutions

Fighting a New York City cell phone ticket starts with proving that you are not guilty of the violation. An attorney can help you prove this in court by presenting evidence such as a picture of your car parked at a meter with a timestamp indicating that it was parked and not in motion at the time of the violation. Cell phone records showing that you were not using the phone at the time can also be helpful.

It is best to avoid cell phone use while driving but in some emergency situations it may be necessary to hold your phone to your ear to communicate with a hospital or fire department. If you are stopped by a police officer for this reason and you cannot immediately stop your vehicle then the officer may assume that you are on the phone and will issue a cell phone ticket.

New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
1 Fordham Plaza
Bronx, NY 10458
Phone:(646) 388-4871

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